Dialsmith is hiring – Technical Sales Manager

Dialsmith is looking for a ridiculously amazing individual to join our Perception Analyzer team. Wonder if you'd be a good fit and enjoy working with us? Well, consider these questions:

  • Can you sell like a motherfather?
  • Do you fancy yourself a crack marketer?
  • Can you work remotely and travel extensively without dissolving into a puddle of mush?
  • Do you consistently dazzle and blow expectations out of the water? 
  • Are you cool as ice even when sparks are flying?
  • Have the words "rockstar," "superhuman" or "unbelievably, mind-blowingly fantastic" ever been used to describe you (professionally, that is)?
  • Do you like silly bullet-pointed lists?

If you answered "yes" to each and every one of those questions without rolling your eyes once, then we're off to a good start. Check out the job description and if you're interested, let's see what you've got.