Request Webinar: Revelations in Moment-to-Moment Research

Sponsored by the Marketing Research Association

Seen on CNN, CNBC, Food Network as well as used behind the scenes by countless global research firms; used as standard practice for evaluating television programming and political messaging; relied upon to help elect every U.S. President since Ronald Reagan; critical in determining which ads air in the $4 million Super Bowl spots; a mainstay in helping lawyers prep for high-stakes court cases.

We’re talking about Moment-to-Moment research—the method of gathering and analyzing continuous audience feedback. This method is relied upon by researchers across a range of industries to understand how their audiences feel in-the-moment about what they’re seeing, hearing and experiencing.

We’ve gathered a trio of seasoned experts, all of whom have revealing stories to tell of their use of Moment-to-Moment and how it has impacted (and will impact) projects past, present and future. Join us as they share their insights, compare notes and respond to your questions about their experiences using this methodology.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why moment-to-moment research adds value to qualitative research 
  • High profile, real-world examples of how moment-to-moment research can be applied both in live and online research settings
  • How CNN uses in-person dial testing to add value to its political coverage of key events
  • How HSN uses online dial testing to inform critical program decision-making


Elizabeth Merrick, Senior Manager, Customer Insights, HSN (formerly Home Shopping Network), Dan Schill, Associate Professor of Communications, James Madison University, Eric Alzuhn, Vice President/Client Services, Dialsmith

Event Date: December 11, 2013  Length: 52:17

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