True insights require more than data alone; they need a backstory. For 20 years, Renee Cameron has been integrating quantitative rigor into qualitative group studies. She’s mastered the art of not only harnessing the story behind the data but the data behind the story as well. This Yin/Yang approach delivers the actionable results Renee’s clients have come to count on.

Kristin Luck, Serial Storyteller
Ever wonder why it’s so hard to tear yourself away from a good story? It’s because of “the hook.” That one authentic message that bridges the gap between storyteller and audience. Kristin Luck is a bonafide rockstar at helping businesses find their hook by identifying messages that resonate. Her approach isn’t rocket science or magic but sound market research.

Politics & Race-Based Messaging
The intersection of race and politics affects everything from voter turnout to policy making. NYU media, culture and communications researcher, Dr. Charlton McIlwain, has sought to uncover how race-based messages play a role in shaping our views of a candidate by putting dials in the hand of prospective voters to rate political ads and let the results tell the story. His assessment? Implied racial messages aren’t fooling anyone.