How to Ensure Project Security for Online Litigation Research One thing that’s clear from our work with jury research consultants over the years: Privacy and confidentiality for their studies is paramount. We do our fair share of litigation research at Dialsmith. Historically, it’s been in-person, but recently, more and more, […]
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CNN Dial Tests the First Presidential Debate
Dial testing makes another showing on the campaign trail. If you’ve been living under a rock for the last 24 hours, you may not know that last night’s debate was one for the record books. As has been tradition for years, CNN used dial testing during last night’s debate. They […]

Back-To-School Messaging: How Parents Feel About Conditions For Returning to School
Back-To-School Messaging is a Mixed Bag for These Parents As part of the ongoing “Back-to-Normal Barometer” tracking study, we crafted and dial tested back-to-school messaging to gauge how parents would react. We tested the video below featuring someone playing the role of a school superintendent communicating a message about students […]

Why Don’t People Wear Masks? How Can We Change That?
Why Don’t People Wear Masks? There is a (relatively) small subset of the population who NEVER wear masks. We are digging into this group to figure out why. We will keep this brief: The science is real: Masks are our best (last?) line of defense against coronavirus The […]

Adapting to Online Qual Can Bring Out Your Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset? In this covid-19 world, the business of research has one choice right now… Adapt. Bring on the Growth Mindset! This does not mean settling. It just means thinking differently about how you execute your work. Think about moving to Online Qual and how to make […]