Our ‘Dialed In’ affiliate facility program is picking up speed, so if you’re looking for a top-notch venue to host your next Perception Analyzer focus group, we’ve got a network of facilities across the Americas and Europe ready and waiting. This installment of our “5 Questions with…” feature has […]
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Five Questions with ‘Dialed In’ Affiliate Adler Weiner Los Angeles
Our ‘Dialed In’ affiliate facility network is up and running if you’re looking for a venue that’s best suited to host your next dial group session. In order to introduce each of our ‘Dialed In’ facilities, we’ll be doing a series of “5 Questions with…” blog features with representatives […]

Dialsmith Welcomes 25 Flagship Facilities as ‘Dialed In’ Affiliates
Just a quick note about some exciting news that Dialsmith announced today. We’ve officially launched our ‘Dialed In’ Affiliate Facility Program with 25 flagship focus group facilities right out of the gate. The goal with this program is to connect clients who have expressed interest in running Perception Analyzer […]

Perception Analyzer Passes the Test with Preschoolers
Dialsmith has traveled around the country, guest-lecturing and presenting our interactive Root Beer Challenge as a way of introducting the Perception Analyzer dials and its different research applications to marketing, business and communications students on a number of university campuses. But today was truly a unique experience as I had […]

Portland techies give Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer a piece of their mind
Nice lines? Mostly meh for Mayer based off our dial group results. In 2013, mobile technology leader Qualcomm kicked off the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) with a keynote address for the ages; many critics might say, “The dark ages,” as reviews ranged from “insane” to “awkward” to “speechless.” While […]
Revelations in Moment-to-Moment Research Webinar
Watch It On-Demand!
POTUS is up-to-speed on the Moment-to-Moment methodology. Are you? Source: White House photo You may have notice that we’ve been dialing up the Webinars lately and last week’s may have been our best to-date. Our seasoned panelists discussed the ins and outs of Moment-to-Moment research for almost an hour and […]
10 Revealing Quotes about Moment-to-Moment Research
Dialsmith recently published an eBook, “The Essentials of Moment-to-Moment Research.” As part of the research we conducted for this project, we interviewed a number of researchers who have extensive experience with the Moment-to-Moment methodology. Those researchers provided unique insight into the value of using Moment-to-Moment and how it can […]
Q&A with Broadway Musical Dial Researcher Doug Connett
Photo courtesy of Leah Nash for The New York Times. Producer Ken Davenport, far left, and the marketing experts Douglas Connett, center, and Cody Lassen view the real-time results from the Perception Analyzer dials. In case you missed it, The New York Times recently profiled a new area of research […]
Perception Analyzer: Laptop and Desktop System Recommendations
We field a lot of questions from system owners wanting recommendations from us on what type of laptop or desktop set up to purchase for running the Perception Analyzer system. In response, our support team has compiled a list of suggested system requirements.

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Essentials of Moment-to-Moment Research eBook
Here at Dialsmith, we know a thing or two about conducting Moment-to-Moment research. We also work with a lot of folks who have tons of experience with this methodology. So, we figured why not tap into that wealth of knowledge and real-world experience to create a helpful guide for […]