For as long as dial testing has been a mainstay of media and public opinion research, its applications and benefits still remain a mystery to some. Whether to eliminate groupthink, quantitatively validate an idea, or drive deeper and more meaningful group discussions, dial testing plays a critical role in focus group and survey research. To help introduce (or re-introduce) you to dial testing methodology, here are 10 GOOD REASONS why it should be part of your research mix.
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Security for Online Mock Juries and Online Litigation Research
High-profile clients. High-stakes results. Privacy and security are crucial. The Covid 19 outbreak has caused most courthouses to pause in-person hearings. But the caseload hasn’t disappeared; in many cases, it’s moved online. Lawyers working virtually still need trial research and trial consultants still need to conduct mock juries. Trial research […]

The Ultimate Dial Testing Research Playbook
Being in the market research biz, we tend to know the questions people are going to ask even before they ask them. Take, for example, our free, downloadable Dial Testing Research Playbook… What’s a Dial Testing Playbook? Well, dial testing is what we do here at Dialsmith so we know […]

The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to a Smooth Online Qualitative Research Project
Online Qual Success Hinges on Comprehensive Tech Checks Assessing the tech capabilities of your respondents in advance is CRUCIAL. Tech checks- If you have done online qual, then you know that technology is the lynchpin of the operation. But it’s not just about the platform you use. If you want […]

Online Dial Testing FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are our most FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about online dial testing. Have a question not answered here? Please CONTACT US What type of media (video/audio) can be tested with online dials? Dialsmith’s online dial testing supports the testing of any recorded video or audio from 30 seconds up to 60 […]

What is Dial Testing?
Dialsmith has been in the dial testing game for a long time. We work with professional researchers, marketers, consultants and customer insights specialists. As the developer of the Perception Analyzer dial testing tools and services for focus groups and surveys, we support global clients with in-person and online research every […]

Online Trial Research: Why Privacy and Security Can’t Be an Afterthought
How to Ensure Project Security for Online Litigation Research One thing that’s clear from our work with jury research consultants over the years: Privacy and confidentiality for their studies is paramount. We do our fair share of litigation research at Dialsmith. Historically, it’s been in-person, but recently, more and more, […]

Our New Online Qual Team is Bucking Convention
Start an Online Qual Business DURING a Pandemic!? Well, as our Gina Derickson says, “why now; why not?” In this short conversation, our founder David and VP of Research Gina discuss starting a new qualitative business during challenging times and where the heck the name Lillian Labs came from. Check […]

Dialsmith Discoveries | What’s America’s Favorite Thanksgiving Pie?
Pie and Thanksgiving… they go together like, well… like apple and pie. And this time of year, especially here in the States, there’s a whole lot of attention being paid to both–I mean c’mon, we’re talking about two huge slices of Americana here. So, while we here at Dialsmith, […]

CNN Dial Tests the First Presidential Debate
Dial testing makes another showing on the campaign trail. If you’ve been living under a rock for the last 24 hours, you may not know that last night’s debate was one for the record books. As has been tradition for years, CNN used dial testing during last night’s debate. They […]