Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset? In this covid-19 world, the business of research has one choice right now… Adapt. Bring on the Growth Mindset! This does not mean settling. It just means thinking differently about how you execute your work. Think about moving to Online Qual and how to make […]
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Full-Service Focus Groups Online? Yep.
Forget DIY. You have a lot of new things to worry about. Producing online focus groups should NOT be one of them. Virtual focus groups have all the complexities of a live event- with some added technical challenges thrown in. Lean on us because this is what we do. Secure, […]

7 Examples of Reasons To Believe (RTB)
When creating reasons to believe, the rule of QUALITY over quantity prevails. And you gotta test them! One (or 2) Reasons to believe (RTBs) that are highly believable are a lot more compelling than several that are loosely related. When in doubt, test them to make sure they’re compelling […]

Dialsmith is a Member of ZoomGov for Secure Online Research This high-security platform for web conferencing is used by fewer than 1% of all accounts. ZoomGov was designed to serve sensitive areas of the US Government. We use this same technology for all our online qual research: online focus […]

A year ago, I authored this post where I talked about some of the more effective approaches and tips I’ve employed to get the most out of the in-person focus groups and dial testing groups I’ve conducted over three decades of market research. That, of course, was pre-COVID-19 pandemic. […]

Is ZOOM Secure for Market Research and Online Focus Groups?
Online focus groups and dial groups are our new normal. And we get this question a lot. If you are like the other 99% of companies, you are using the commercial version of Zoom. The short answer for you is “Yes, Zoom is secure for market research.” (At Dialsmith, we […]
Adding Real-Time Dial Testing To Your Online Focus Groups
Now dial testing can be conducted in real-time during your online focus groups. If you are familiar with dial testing at all, you know it has been a mainstay of messaging, advertising, litigation, political, and media research. Previously only available for in-person groups and surveys, now online focus groups can […]
Mock Jury and Trial Research in the New Normal of Virtual Research
Yes, in the new normal of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, courts are postponing hearings and trials, or moving them online. And many courthouses are currently empty. But the case load for litigators and the need for trial research hasn’t disappeared. Lawyers and their clients still need trial research, and […]

Add Online Dial Testing to Your Virtual Focus Group: Video Demo
Migrate your in-person focus groups and dial groups online. It’s happening to all of us. Research projects being cancelled or delayed. In 2020, in-person research is on hold indefinitely. Migrating your qual research online delivers the same deep insights and is a fast-turn option. In this demo, you will see […]

Online Dial Testing for Online Qual Research: Video
(This presentation courtesy of the #NewMR webinar series on the Future of Data Collection) Make the pivot: Virtual dial testing when in-person research methods are not an option Dialsmith SVP Eric Alzuhn explains how online dial testing is being used to capture second-by-second feedback on all form of recorded media: […]