We know many of you are experiencing project delays or cancellations due to coronavirus. But there are many ways to execute qual/quant hybrid market research studies online, which include dial testing. We do this every day! Webinar is on April 2nd @ 2PM Eastern | 11 am Pacific REGISTER […]
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The Tech Behind Political Message Testing
Certainly, any successful political campaign starts with having a strong candidate. But, to be successful in today’s political climate, campaigns also need to be nimble with their message, and keep pace with the shifting moods of voters and the 24-hour news cycle. For this, campaigns need a crack research team […]

Case-In-Point: Using Online Dial Testing to Drive Deeper In-Person Qual
Q&A with LDV Research Partner’s Galia Rosemberg Galia Rosemberg is a seasoned, freelance market research consultant based in Mexico City. She recently completed an interesting political research study, pairing online dial testing with traditional qualitative methods, to evaluate how the underlying theme and tone of selected political commercials resonated with […]

How maslansky + partners Leverages Slidermetrix for “Quick-Turn” Online Research (Part 2)
maslansky + partners’ President Lee Carter and Media & Technology Supervisor Lee Loflin discuss the innovative tools and process that powers their quick-turn polling research. In the last presidential election cycle, Lee Carter and her team at maslansky + partners made a paradigm shift, which enabled them to turn around […]

How maslansky + partners Leverages Slidermetrix for “Quick-Turn” Online Research (Part 1)
maslansky + partners’ President Lee Carter discusses how her research group was able to adapt and respond to the polling demands of today’s fast-paced, 24-hour news cycle. In the last presidential election cycle, Lee Carter and her team at maslansky + partners made a paradigm shift, which enabled them to […]

What is Dial Testing? Redux (the video edition)
One of our most viewed blog posts in recent months is one that addresses a question we get a lot here at Dialsmith, namely, “What is Dial Testing?” In the post, I offer an official answer to the question but then delve into the “give it to me straight…” answer […]
Video: Improving Engagement in Online Research
With online research, participant engagement is critical. Conducing online market research offers many benefits but also a new set of challenges—participant engagement being a big one. If you’re thinking of ways to best test various forms of media (video and/or audio) online, check out this short video. It explains how […]

Media-Rich Data Collection Techniques for Online Surveys: Proceed with Smarts
Emojis are Not Valid ‘Media-Rich’ Data In this recent Qualtrics post, the authors explored some potential drawbacks of media-rich data collection techniques for surveys; elements such as star ratings, emojis for emotional response, sliders, etc. Their position is that these complex elements should be minimized because not all respondents will […]

Moment-to-Moment Cheat Sheet: Online Research vs In-Person Research
Online research has become the mode of choice for many brands and content producers due, in no small part, to the modest relative cost and faster turnaround. Moment-to-moment research (aka dial testing) has traditionally been conducted in-person, the use of online moment-to-moment is becoming much more prevalent. So, how do […]