(Image courtesy of ABC) Most of the time, major broadcast networks put our Perception Analyzer dials to work behind the scenes to test new television pilots as well as characters, plot lines, etc. for established series. But every once in a while, our dials make the jump in front of the camera, making […]
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The Data Behind Hit TV Shows: Q&A with Dr. Sebastian Wernicke
We recently came across this fascinating TED Talk from Dr. Sebastian Wernicke, Head of Data Science at Munich, Germany based consultancy Solon, called “How to use data to make a hit TV show.” Dr. Wernicke, who’s schooled in bioinformatics, discusses the differences in how Netflix and Amazon used data to make decisions when […]

CNN Revs Up Dial Testing Focus Groups for Presidential Primaries
With the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries come and gone, the Presidential Primary season is really heating up. As it has for the past 8 years, CNN is running dial testing focus groups, powered by our Perception Analyzer dials and technology, to gauge the real time reactions and opinions of […]

Ten Things We Learned from this Year’s Super Bowl Ad Ratings
Now that the dust has settled and the final tallies are in, here’s a look at the most interesting story lines pulled from the final results of our fourth annual Slidermetrix Super Bowl ad ratings. If you’re not a list person and you want the deep dive into our final results, you […]

Super Bowl Ads: Early Returns and Market Research Experts Weigh In
It’s been a wild week for the Super Bowl ads in the lead up to the Big Game. By our count, 29 of the actual ads that will air during the Super Bowl have been pre-released. Our Super Bowl ad ratings feature powered by Slidermetrix has been up-and-running since Monday, […]

Super Bowl Ads: What Research Tells Us About Winners and Losers
The week of the Super Bowl is an especially fun time for us here at Dialsmith. While we have our share of football fanatics here at the office, what really gets us jazzed is being able to put our own ratings tools to work to gather public opinion on the Super Bowl ads. We’ve been […]

[From the Vision Critical Blog] How to find the story in your data
Some solid insights and guidance from Vision Critical’s Ray Poynter in this storytelling blog post where he provides useful tips for pulling good stories out of your market research data. One tip that really struck a chord… “Tip # 6 FACILITATE ACTION.” This one resonates with feedback we hear from our research consulting […]

Breaking Out of the MRx Box: Getting Non-Researchers Excited About Market Research
How is market research perceived from those outside the market research industry? That’s the question NewMR and GreenBook posed to social media researchers issuing a challenge to report back with both findings and recommendations. The big takeaway finding from the project was this: “The research industry is too busy talking […]

Netflix’s Dave Decelle’s Quest to Capture Moments of Truth
(Hey, that’s our quest too!)
Just listened to this recent podcast from The Market Research Event Blog featuring Netflix’s Director of Consumer Insights Dave Decelle in which Decelle explains why his Consumer Insights team has foregone traditional recall-based research methods for those that are aimed at capturing “Moments of Truth.” Here at Dialsmith, we […]

When Do Viewers Get Hooked? Netflix Study Offers Some Answers, More Questions
Image courtesy of Fast Company When do viewers get hooked on a TV show? Is it the opening moments of the first episode or does it take an episode or two to really get a good obsession going? According to this recently released Netflix study, the magic moment is sometime […]