High-profile clients. High-stakes results. Privacy and security are crucial. The Covid 19 outbreak has caused most courthouses to pause in-person hearings. But the caseload hasn’t disappeared; in many cases, it’s moved online. Lawyers working virtually still need trial research and trial consultants still need to conduct mock juries. Trial research […]
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Dial Testing Helps Trial Research Consultant Overcome Assumptions and Deliver Hard Truths
I tell my clients that if you want the most return for your trial consulting investment, it’s pennywise but pound foolish to cut something so integral to getting good data. The data we get from the dial tests are the glue of the mock exercise. For more than 30 years, […]

The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to a Smooth Online Qualitative Research Project
Online Qual Success Hinges on Comprehensive Tech Checks Assessing the tech capabilities of your respondents in advance is CRUCIAL. Tech checks- If you have done online qual, then you know that technology is the lynchpin of the operation. But it’s not just about the platform you use. If you want […]

#FacetoFaceMRX These Focus Group Facilities Are Open for In-Person Research
In-Person Research is Happening! We’ve been fielding an increasing number of inquiries from clients asking about in-person research. And yes, we are back in the field doing dial testing. If you’re looking for a facility to host your in-person research, we’ve done the leg work for you. We’ve reached out […]

Our Partner Facilities Are Doing In-Person Focus Group Research
In-Person Research is Happening! Our clients are asking for recommendations. That’s why we’re happy to know who is doing in-person qualitative work (with all the necessary COVID-related precautions, of course!) Yes, Dialsmith is also back on the road doing in-person dial testing (and continuing to offer our gold-standard online dial […]

Online Trial Research: Why Privacy and Security Can’t Be an Afterthought
How to Ensure Project Security for Online Litigation Research One thing that’s clear from our work with jury research consultants over the years: Privacy and confidentiality for their studies is paramount. We do our fair share of litigation research at Dialsmith. Historically, it’s been in-person, but recently, more and more, […]
2 Expert Examples of Jury Research Wins
Jury Researchers, Litigation Consultants—call them what you will, but in reality, their clients expect them to be mind readers. Truth is, they know where to look, and what to look for. And they use the right tools that help them do it. These experts can find wins even in virtually […]

Dialsmith is a Member of ZoomGov for Secure Online Research This high-security platform for web conferencing is used by fewer than 1% of all accounts. ZoomGov was designed to serve sensitive areas of the US Government. We use this same technology for all our online qual research: online focus […]

Is ZOOM Secure for Market Research and Online Focus Groups?
Online focus groups and dial groups are our new normal. And we get this question a lot. If you are like the other 99% of companies, you are using the commercial version of Zoom. The short answer for you is “Yes, Zoom is secure for market research.” (At Dialsmith, we […]
Mock Jury and Trial Research in the New Normal of Virtual Research
Yes, in the new normal of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, courts are postponing hearings and trials, or moving them online. And many courthouses are currently empty. But the case load for litigators and the need for trial research hasn’t disappeared. Lawyers and their clients still need trial research, and […]