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Rarely am I impressed enough by a product or service these days to endorse it, but I love WOOT! WOOT is a four-page web site that sells one product per day, from midnight to midnight or until it sells out, whichever comes first. They are usually technology products of some […]

Attention Hotel Towel Thieves

Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts has published a book of stolen towel stories from its customers called About the towels, we forgive you: Absorbing Tales of Borrowed Towels. Sixty-percent of proceeds from the $25 book will go to the Give Kids The World charity and the first 1000 people to […]

The Future of Television

Two more interesting bits of television news today: Bill Gates discusses the possible future irrelevance of broadcast television. Media Life magazine reports on how television usage among men 18-34 is up (due to video games, DVD’s and DVR’s) even though television viewing among the same group is down. via [Lost […]

Business Blog Book Tour 5

The next Business Blog Book Tour will make a stop here at Perception Analyzer Dial.Log on Wednesday, October 13. The book is The Origin of Brands, by Al & Laura Ries, which uses the theory of evolution as a model for building successful brands. Be sure to stop back for […]

Night of the Media Heavyweights

MSInteractive’s Perception Analyzer® system will be used for interactive audience participation at Dynamic Logic’s CrossMedia Forum 2004 – Night of the Media Heavyweights. This New York event on October 4, brings together media executives from cable, radio, outdoor, direct marketing, magazines, television, newspapers and Internet to discuss the value of […]

Out of Pocket

According to this article, teachers spend an annual average of $458 dollars out-of-pocket on school supplies for their students. We’re talking basics like paper, printer cartridges and pencils. Some receive partial reimbursements and/or tax breaks, but those are getting harder to come by and many teachers say they will still […]

U.S. Broadband Penetration

Internet Retailer reports on Nielsen/NetRatings’ current findings of the 10 most and least connected U.S. cities via broadband. While nationwide broadband penetration is 51%: The top 10 cities most connected via broadband are: San Diego, 69.6% Phoenix, 68.4% Detroit, 67% New York, 66.8% Sacramento, 64.9% Orlando, 64.7% Seattle, 63% San […]