Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge has an interesting article about breathing new life into old brands and contains a checklist of “Twelve Musts” for product turnarounds.
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RSS feed for this sectionNewspapers around the world
This site allows you to find and read local newspapers online by drilling down by country and worldwide region. For many, this may be helpful for finding and preparing for international business opportunities.
Media multitasking
The Media Center at the American Press Institute concludes that 70% of media consumers use multiple forms of media at the same time. The goal of the study was to provide “quantifiable data on consumer media behaviors as an alternative to traditional audience measurement techniques, which at best capture bodies […]
This is what we’re saying!
For years, we at MSInteractive have been saying (and our clients agree) that using the Perception Analyzer® in focus groups helps eliminate “group-think” by allowing everyone to respond to questions based on their own opinions and not be influenced by the more vocal respondents in the group. It also facilitates […]
Office Makeover Contest
Creatively capitalizing on the whole makeover trend, Xerox, in conjunction with Entrepreneur Magazine, has launched an office makeover contest. Of course, the winning office will be stocked with state-of-the-art Xerox products and Thom Filicia (from “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”) will help design the space. IMHO, brilliant!
Home Internet access stats (II)
U.S. household broadband penetration of 18% significantly lags behind other nations according to this Business Week article.
Home Internet access stats
According to a new report by Nielsen/NetRatings, home Internet access penetration jumped from 66% in February 2003 to 75% today. However, the important caveat from the report is, “Internet access penetration is defined as the percent of people aged 2 and over living in households equipped with a fixed line […]
Boomer women have the money and power
While most of us already know this, an article by Fast Company offers some interesting statistics – two that caught my eye: By 2010, spending by people 40 and older will be a trillion dollars greater than spending by people between the ages of 18 and 34 — $2.6 trillion […]
How DVR’s will impact television ratings
Much is being made of the impact DVR’s are going to have on television viewing, subsequent ratings and ad buys. TelevisionWeek has a very comprehensive article on what the future may look like.
Perception Analyzer® featured in new Showtime Original Picture
The new Showtime Original Picture, “Spinning Boris,” is based on the true story of three American political consultants hired to manage Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s 1996 re-election campaign. Approximately halfway through the movie, there is a focus group scene where the Perception Analyzer is mentioned by name and used to […]