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Hello and welcome

We have many new visitors to this blog as a result of the Perception Analyzer’s use on television during this debate season and the various media and blog mentions, links, articles, posts and commentaries that have followed. To those who are visiting for the first time, and those who have […]

Undecided women in Ohio dial in

A Perception Analyzer dial group with 50 undecided women was conducted in Columbus, Ohio, during the third and final presidential debate. The group was conducted by Lake Research Partners with support from MSInteractive and the findings from the group have been summarized in The Columbus Dispatch.

The Wall Street Journal weighs in

Today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal has an article that weighs in on CNN’s on-air display of Perception Analyzer moment-to-moment results during the presidential debates. I was interviewed for the piece and provided a lot of background information (though neither I nor the Perception Analyzer were credited by name) […]


Moment-to-moment overlay. That’s what we call the real-time line graph generated from Perception Analyzer results as seen on-air during the presidential debates on CNN and other networks. “Moment-to-moment” because the dials used by focus group respondents are polled once per second and “overlay” because the results are often superimposed over […]

Perception Analyzer is a funny name

In addition to whether or not people like seeing real-time dial results on-air during the presidential debates (as seen on CNN) or during post-debate discussion (as seen on MSNBC and FOX News), much has also been made about the name “Perception Analyzer.” So I’ll just admit it…Perception Analyzer isn’t the […]