
Engagious Podcast: Aaron Draplin, Authentic by Design

(A video version of this episode can be viewed on our Engagious YouTube Channel here: https://youtu.be/Wek5M3a76F8)

My guest for this podcast episode is Aaron Draplin, graphic designer, author and founder of Draplin Design Co. (DDC). Why would I interview a graphic designer on the Engagious Podcast? Because Aaron is not only an award-winning designer who’s done amazing work for Nike, Burton Snowboards, Esquire, and Ford Motor Company among others, he’s also an author and captivating speaker who’s authentic style comes across not only in his craft but in his method of connecting with audiences of all shapes and sizes. I’ve been wanting to talk with Aaron for a long time to get the stories behind some of the projects he’s work on like the Voyager 2 poster he did for NASA, designing a US Postage stamp, and developing the popular FIELD NOTES notebook brand.

Admittedly, this is one of the most fun and free-wheeling conversations I’ve had since I started this podcast, and I know you’re going to enjoy it. Some of the things Aaron and I talked about were:

@2:04  What it’s like taking the TEDxPortland stage in front of more than 1000 people.

@4:08 Designing the P-Rod and Janoski logos for NikeSB

@7:47  How he crafts a talk to engage the audience and take them on a journey.

@9:51  What’s the story behind the NASA poster?

@11:38  How the FIELD NOTES brand came to be.

@31:50  What’s the story behind the U.S. postage stamp?

I hoped you enjoyed the conversation with Aaron. If you liked this one, I recommend that you check out the episode featuring Pricilla McKinney of Little Bird Marketing where we discuss how persona marketing, when done right, can help business reach their full potential.

Thanks for listening! If you have any comments or suggestions on who would be great for us to talk with in future episodes, please connect with us on LinkedIn or Twitter. We’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, #BeEngagious