Engagious Podcast: Gail Becker, CAULIPOWER of Persuasive Stories and Engagement

You hear stories about people who walk away from a prosperous career to launch a passion project, but don’t often get to talk with them about it. Well, in the case of former PR executive Gail Becker, we get the story directly from her. After rising through the ranks in government communications, entertainment, and finally as a president at global PR firm Edelman, Gail walked away to start CAULIPOWER, a cauliflower-based food company inspired by the dietary needs of her kids.

In our conversation, Gail and I discuss:

@3:45  The power of stories to engage with people

@8:42  What she learned from being part of the entertainment industry’s shift from VHS to DVD

@10:35  Universal truths for changing behavior through persuasion and influence

@13:07  How her food company was born

@16:58  How did she develop the brand and voice for CAULIPOWER

If you liked this episode, I also recommend that you check out my conversation with Rick Cesari, direct response industry veteran and expert in B2B marketing.

If you have any comments or suggestions on who would be great for us to talk with in future episodes, please leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, #BeEngagious