Musings on Advertising

Jim over at Manage This posted an interesting riff yesterday on ads that take a risk and make you think. It seems he's a sucker for the cerebral and asked for other ads or slogans that make you think.

Well, I've got one that I believe takes a risk, but doesn't make you think AT ALL and I love it anyway. It's the Hillshire Farms GO MEAT! ads, and specifically Bang Bang Choo Choo Train.

People who know me know I am somewhat obsessed with this commercial and recommend I seek professional help. But I think it's just perfect. The environment (a private jet) for people to be discussing, let alone singing about, lunch meat is absurd and quickly catches your attention. The colors are vibrant and the pace is fast. And here's where I lose a lot of people – the song is catchy and really quite funny. I mean, "They roast the turkey with the honey, then slice it up – it's money!" How perfect is that?!? Not to mention, "Bang bang choo choo train, eat lunch meat on the aeroplane." That's gold, Jerry. Gold!