(Photo credit to Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press; courtesy of CBC News) CBC News recently reported on findings from a recent Nielsen study that used the Perception Analyzer dial testing to gauge real-time feedback on a variety of policies and issues presented in Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s budget speech. The dial […]

Confessions of a Serial Storyteller
Storytelling Advice & Insights from Growth Hacker Kristin Luck At our core, Dialsmith is a company that helps others tell their stories more effectively and as such, we’ve always been fascinated by great storytellers regardless of their medium. So, we got pretty jazzed when we saw this recent Fast Company […]

Dialsmith’s Dan Welch Talks New Perception Analyzer 9.0 and 9.0 Media
Dialsmith made some news this week with the release of two new versions of our signature Perception Analyzer (PA) dial testing tool—PA 9.0 and PA 9.0 Media. So, you might well be thinking, “What are these upgrades about and how does it help me?” For answers, we went directly to […]

Tour the New Dialsmith Digs Through the Art on our Walls
We’ve just settled in (almost) to our new office space here at Dialsmith HQ. And while getting our systems and workspaces up and running were priority one, the space didn’t really feel like home until we got all our art up on the walls. Now that we’ve added our personal touch […]

Dial Testing President Trump’s Address to Congress
A presidential address to a joint session of Congress is a notable event. A president’s first such address is even more notable. Add in the Trump factor, and the event can be considered historically significant. So, it’s no surprise that Dialsmith’s dial testing technology was called into action once again to […]

Straight Talk about Storytelling: Q&A with Media Research Veteran Aaron Paquette
In this next installment of our popular storytelling series, we talk with media and entertainment research veteran Aaron Paquette. Through his career at CBS, Sony, OTX, Nielsen and Vision Critical, Aaron has a great eye for how to tell a story that will get buyers’ and viewers’ attention. Q: How […]

Science of People Taps Dialsmith to Gauge Reactions to Videos
Science of People describes itself as a human behavior research lab. Its principal, Vanessa Van Edwards, is a published author, behavioral investigator and professional people watcher. But even someone as “tuned in” to people as Vanessa is, sometimes needs the help of specialty tools designed to gauge what people are […]

Five Biggest Takeaways from our Slidermetrix 2017 Super Bowl Ad Polling
Well, that was a memorable Super Bowl, right? Yeah, the game was pretty good. Lady Gaga and her drone army were show-stopping. And the ads were… well, like usual, a spectacle all on their own. We just concluded our fifth consecutive year of testing the Super Bowl ads. This year, […]

2017 Super Bowl Ads: Early Polling Returns and Insights
The idea of waiting till the Super Bowl to watch the Super Bowl ads is so, well… so yesterday; like Mean Joe Green drinking a Coke yesterday. Advertisers are dropping a cool $5 mil for 30 seconds of airtime during the Big Game and with that type of price tag, they’re not […]

Hillary Clinton’s Advertising – Could Dial Testing Have Made the Difference?
Per AdvertisingAge, “Role Models” was one of the Clinton campaign’s most highly budgeted ads. (Image courtesy of NYDailyNews.com) Interesting article in AdvertisingAge this week by Simon Dumenco where he makes the case that one of the downfalls of the Clinton campaign was that their advertising in the critical weeks prior to the election […]