On the eve of the presidential election, 60 Minutes ran a fascinating segment delving into the mood and sentiment of the nation in the last days before the election. The segment featured an interview with well-known pollster Frank Luntz and results from a dial testing focus group Luntz conducted using our Perception Analyzer dial […]

Meet the Dialsmith Team: Courtney Ulrich
It’s been a while since we had a new addition to our “Meet the Dialsmith Team” series, where we introduce you to our team members by making them respond to a short list of rapid-fire questions. Well, the wait was worth it as this time around, we profile our newest addition […]

That’s a Wrap: Dial Testing Scores Final Presidential Debate in Groups Across the Country
The final chapter of the Presidential Debate season has come to a close and it was another busy night for our Perception Analyzer dials. Dial testing focus groups were conducted in key swing states across the country and were featured (again) on major broadcast/cable news networks such as CBS News and FOX News. Here […]

New Resource: Moment-to-Moment Research Playbook
In the two years since we published our “Essentials of Moment-to-Moment Research” eBook, we’ve seen more than 1,000 downloads of the resource and received dozens of positive reviews. While much of the eBook content is still relevant, after 2 years, we decided it was time for a refresh. The new version, launched this […]

What’s the Story with Market Research?
Q&A with Author and Leading Business Storytelling Expert Paul Smith
I think one of the most critical roles market researchers can play in the story development process is identifying the right stories to tell. There’s been an interesting convergence going on between the art of storytelling and the science of market research. And for those who’ve been following our blog, […]

Dial Testing Provides Instant Analysis of the VP Debate
With barely enough time to catch our breath from the first Presidential debate, it was the Vice Presidential candidates taking center stage. Dial testing focus groups were at it again, powered by our Perception Analyzer and Slidermetrix technology, and providing real-time polling and instant results that the broadcast networks used extensively in […]

Commentary and Analysis from Dial Testing the First Presidential Debate
During last night’s Presidential Debate, focus groups of voters in key states across the country were asked to view and log their real-time reactions to the debate performances of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump using our Perception Analyzer dials. The majority of the time, dial testing like this is […]

Dial Testing Called Back into Duty to Deliver Real-Time Returns on the Presidential Debates
Next Monday night, when NBC Nightly News Anchor and Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt thanks the two candidates for their participation and brings to a close the first presidential debate, the early returns on the candidates’ performances will already be in; the key responses, zingers and messages will have already been […]

Meet The Team GP Edition: Greg Treat
A while back, we introduced you to members of our Dialsmith team through our Meet the Team blog series where we posted entertaining (yes, and sometimes embarrassing) factoids about some of the folks that make Dialsmith a fun place to work. Now, we’re taking this relationship a step further by exposing the guilty […]

Confessions of a Serial Storyteller – The Sequel
Though she’d never admit it, growth strategist and business consultant Kristin Luck is a rock star in the market research world. Her jam, besides helping propel companies to exponential growth, is engaging audiences through storytelling. She’s leveraged her storytelling acumen into successes as a highly regarded thought leader, keynote speaker […]