Image courtesy of WinBeta. Lenny Murphy’s recent GreenBook article on Microsoft’s entry into the moment-to-moment data collection game, via their Video Pulse product, is a good read and I admit it’s cool technology. As Dialsmith’s founder and CEO, and someone who’s worked to evolve and refine moment-to-moment tools and methods for more […]

In this recent Campaigns and Elections article, Dialsmith founder & CEO David Paull makes the compelling argument that this election cycle is the first where all the planets have finally aligned for campaigns to reap significant benefits of conducting online political research. We are seeing it, first-hand, here at […]

Vision Critical’s Scott Miller Offers Remedy for Spam Survey Epidemic
It’s time to realize that the sun is setting on some of the old tried-and-true tools that market researchers have relied upon for years. Case-in-point, the conventional survey, once a mainstay of market research, is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Today, consumers have so many more channels to provide feedback […]

Meet the Team: Hannah Anderson, Marketing Intern
We continue our “Meet the Dialsmith Team” series this week to take you behind the scenes and into the Dialsmith office to get to know our team. Next up is our Marketing Intern Hannah Anderson. Hannah is spending her last days as a college senior with us as she preps for […]

Scandal’s Mellie Grant Gets Reality Check from Dial Testing Focus Group
(Image courtesy of ABC) Most of the time, major broadcast networks put our Perception Analyzer dials to work behind the scenes to test new television pilots as well as characters, plot lines, etc. for established series. But every once in a while, our dials make the jump in front of the camera, making […]

Trump and Carson React to the Dials
As mentioned previously on our blog, dial testing focus groups are popping up all over the networks during the early stages of this election year. Lee Carter of Maslansky & Partners is a frequent guest on Fox News’ daily morning news/talk program Fox & Friends where she provides commentary on the […]

Sights and Sounds: Qualtrics Insight Summit
This was Dialsmith’s first year attending the Qualtrics Insights Summit as an official Qualtrics Innovation Exchange partner and exhibitor. Founder & CEO David Paull and Manager of Online Products & Client Services Aaron Korach represented the Dialsmith contingent and helped welcome attendees to our online dial testing demo as part of […]

The Data Behind Hit TV Shows: Q&A with Dr. Sebastian Wernicke
We recently came across this fascinating TED Talk from Dr. Sebastian Wernicke, Head of Data Science at Munich, Germany based consultancy Solon, called “How to use data to make a hit TV show.” Dr. Wernicke, who’s schooled in bioinformatics, discusses the differences in how Netflix and Amazon used data to make decisions when […]

CNN Revs Up Dial Testing Focus Groups for Presidential Primaries
With the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries come and gone, the Presidential Primary season is really heating up. As it has for the past 8 years, CNN is running dial testing focus groups, powered by our Perception Analyzer dials and technology, to gauge the real time reactions and opinions of […]

Ten Things We Learned from this Year’s Super Bowl Ad Ratings
Now that the dust has settled and the final tallies are in, here’s a look at the most interesting story lines pulled from the final results of our fourth annual Slidermetrix Super Bowl ad ratings. If you’re not a list person and you want the deep dive into our final results, you […]