Image courtesy of Fox News In case you hadn’t heard, there was another GOP candidate debate last night and that means that Frank Luntz was at it again, running a dial testing focus group using our Perception Analyzer dials. But what was unique about last night’s group was its response […]

Breaking Out of the MRx Box: Getting Non-Researchers Excited About Market Research
How is market research perceived from those outside the market research industry? That’s the question NewMR and GreenBook posed to social media researchers issuing a challenge to report back with both findings and recommendations. The big takeaway finding from the project was this: “The research industry is too busy talking […]

CNN and Fox News Feature Perception Analyzer Dial Groups for Democratic Debate
If you’re wondering what that buzzing sound is that you’ve been hearing lately, well, it’s the national election cycle revving up. Last night kicked it up another notch with the first Democratic debate. CNN and Frank Luntz on Fox News once again featured the Perception Analyzer to “score” the debate and […]

A Marketer’s Survival Guide to Launching a New Website
Teddy Roosevelt famously said, “Nothing in the world is worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” Doubt Old Teddy was referring to redesigning a website when he made that statement, but it certainly applies. We recently launched our new Dialsmith website and while there were no fatalities directly tied […]

Netflix’s Dave Decelle’s Quest to Capture Moments of Truth
(Hey, that’s our quest too!)
Just listened to this recent podcast from The Market Research Event Blog featuring Netflix’s Director of Consumer Insights Dave Decelle in which Decelle explains why his Consumer Insights team has foregone traditional recall-based research methods for those that are aimed at capturing “Moments of Truth.” Here at Dialsmith, we […]

Melvin is the man (no ifs, ands or bots about it)
We’re super excited to announce the newest member of the Dialsmith team. This is Melvin. Melvin has been brought on as Dialsmith’s Robot-in-Chief. What does a Robot-in-Chief do? Your guess is as good as ours, but as a technology developer and services company, Dialsmith is totally psyched to have Melvin aboard. I […]

When Do Viewers Get Hooked? Netflix Study Offers Some Answers, More Questions
Image courtesy of Fast Company When do viewers get hooked on a TV show? Is it the opening moments of the first episode or does it take an episode or two to really get a good obsession going? According to this recently released Netflix study, the magic moment is sometime […]

For fall network pilots, success is measured in minutes
Image courtesy of Pop Culture Playpen Fifteen minutes can go by in a flash or it can feel like a lifetime. When it comes to TV pilots and the networks rolling them out, the first 15 minutes are ALL that matter. That according to this AdWeek article: “People figure out in […]

10 Memorable Storytelling Quotes for Market Researchers
Through the many interviews and research we’ve conducted on the topic of storytelling for our blog, we’ve gathered some great nuggets of insight from well-respected market research pros and expert storytellers. Since our mission here at Dialsmith is to help brands and organizations tell their impactful stories, we thought our […]

New Look, Better Content, Same Dialsmith
We’ve launched our new website today, and while we’re guessing this isn’t inspiring you to do a happy dance the way it is for us, we’ve made some rather significant upgrades that we think you’ll like and will hopefully keep you coming back for more. Here are some changes we […]