Q&A with Kellogg School’s Brand Expert Tim Calkins Yes, we know that at this point, the giant sugar rush we all experienced around this year’s Super Bowl ads has subsided, but when we got the opportunity to “talk shop” with a fellow Super Bowl ad “junkie” especially one with […]

Results Are In! What We Learned from this Year’s Super Bowl Ads
While everyone was busy digesting the on-field action as well as all those wings, nachos, pizza, etc. during the Super Bowl, our Dialsmith team was busy trying to make sense of the Slidermetrix polling we were seeing on the Super Bowl ads. As a quick refresher before we jump […]

Latest on the Pre-Released Super Bowl Ads
We’ve been busily working to keep pace with the Super Bowl advertisers who have pre-released their spots. So far, so good. We have 15 ads available for viewing and rating second-by-second on our Slidermetrix VideoLink site as of this posting and more on the way. Early returns are starting to reveal […]

Super Bowl Ads are Back and So Is Slidermetrix!
Dialsmith and VideoInk partner to offer second-by-second “scoring” of Super Bowl ads For 30 seconds of air during this year’s Super Bowl, advertisers are paying as much as $4.5 million. That’s a whopping $150K per second and a huge investment to make an impression on viewers as they enjoy the […]

New Tech, Same Methods for 2015 State of the Union
It’s always energizing to see our dials back in action during high stakes political events like on the broadcast coverage of last night’s State of the Union. And while some of the networks have traded their in-person dial groups for new second screen polling tools, the method employed to score […]

Top 5 things our dials and sliders rated in 2014
Every year our Perception Analyzer dials, and Perception Analyzer Online and Slidermetrix sliders, are used to rate some pretty cool stuff and 2014 was no exception. Here are the top 5 things our dials and sliders got moving on this year: Consumer Electronics Show Keynote (CES) Portland techies give Yahoo […]

Our 5 Favorite Blog Posts of the Year
It’s that wonderful time of the year where every blog and news site likes to do their own “Top 10 List.” There are even sites like Listverse that are exclusively dedicated to “Top 10” lists (makes me wonder if Listverse plans to do a “Top 10 List” of “Top 10” […]

Super Secret Holiday Party
Fun was had by all as Dialsmith celebrated the holidays in prohibition-era speakeasy fashion in a super secret location behind an unassuming bookcase. I mean…how could we not!

Slidermetrix Presents… Holiday Commercial Faceoff: Funny vs. Feel-good
Last week, CinemaBlend, an entertainment site that reports on movies, television, video games, and pop culture, posted 7 Great Holiday Commercials You Need to Watch Right Now. We watched them. We loved them. We laughed. We cried. Well, I wasn’t crying (I think maybe I just got something in my […]

Tired of Playing Let’s Make a Deal with Your Research?
New online research approaches—like the one Dialsmith is partnering with Invoke Solutions to deliver—are nix-ing the need to play “Let’s Make a Deal” with your research. (Image courtesy of Worldvision Enterprises, Inc.) A classic dilemma researchers often face is deciding what kinds of insights—qual or quant—are best suited to meet their […]