Other Advertising

Couldn’t Adweek have come up with a more creative name for its new alternative advertising publication than Other Advertising?  According to Adrants, Other Advertising “will cover non-traditional advertising categories it defines as mass transit, sports stadiums, in-store, product placement, cinemas, elevators, cell phones, guerrilla marketing. Content will include business news, case studies, profiles […]

Hey Kids, Here Comes the Pitch (II)

British consumer advocacy group, Which?, has taken issue with cartoon characters being used to market unhealthy foods to kids.  Their research showed that “77 percent of people think using kids’ favorite cartoon characters such as Shrek, The Simpsons and Scooby Doo, on the packs of foods high in fat, salt and sugar […]

Wal-Mart In-store Television Network

Interesting article in The New York Times about Wal-Mart’s upgraded in-store television network, the reach it has with shoppers/viewers (average shopper watches seven minutes per store visit) and how much advertisers are willing to pay ($137,000 – $292,000 for a four week rotation of a single ad).

Door WILL NOT Open – Door WILL NOT Close

Why do “Door Open” and “Door Close” buttons in elevators almost never work?  Every elevator has them (it’s probably required), but they rarely do anything.  In fact, there is only one elevator I use regularly that has functional buttons.  And, everyone who rides that elevator knows it and uses the buttons all the time.  […]

A Tale of Two Offences

The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005 is expected to pass in the House of Representatives.  According to Reuters, fines to both broadcast companies and individual broadcasters will be increased to $500,000 per “indecent” incident aired between 6:00am and 10:00pm. Major League Baseball has announced new steroid rules.  According to CBS News, “A first […]

Indelible Purple Ink

Indelible purple ink has taken CODE Inc. from obscurity to front page news. Not something anyone would ever bet the farm on, but when you need it, you need it and in the Iraq election, they needed it. Indelible purple ink. Simple.