Product Placements

Following the death of Johnny Carson last week, there is an interesting article in The New York Times about how much less obtrusive and more effective product placements seemed in the old days of television (including on The Tonight Show) as opposed to shows of today.  Worthy read.


3M™ makes a great product under the Scotch® brand called Tear-By-Hand Packing Tape. It’s packing tape that (just as the name suggests) doesn’t require the use of a cutting tool or serrated edge to cut – you just tear it by hand.  This product has been around for a number of years and […]

Ta-da List

Today I learned of Ta-da List from 37signals, a new, free online application that allows you to make, share and collaborate on To Do lists.  That’s it.  The user interface is as simple and uncluttered as the Google homepage.  You can create a list, check things off that are complete, allow others to see your […]

Gaming Passes Hollywood

Joystiq reports 2004 gaming revenues to have been $9.9 billion with portable gaming contributing $1 billion of that.  Compare that to record-breaking 2004 movie theater revenues of $9.4 million.  The entertainment tide is shifting. via [Airbag]

Darth Tater?!?

Hasbro’s newest Mr. Potato Head toy – Darth Tater.  Would that make the mini version Darth Tater Tot?  I’m sorry, but this just seems wrong to me.    

Tasty Descriptions

Sam over at Decker Marketing takes an interesting look at the importance of “tasty” descriptions when describing menu items in a restaurant (and in marketing and selling in general).  It’s something we all know, but can certainly benefit from a reminder.  To Sam’s point, it’s all about adjectives.  “Adjectives make nouns mouth watering.” I would […]

Why We Go Mobile

A recent study of mobile phone users by IDC yields three distinct perceived benefits that come from using mobile phones, at least one of which people feel they receive: Safety and security Productivity and convenience Style and status Interestingly, “males, more than females, rate style and status as important mobile phone […]

The Price is Wrong

I drive a 1999 Nissan Maxima and last week one of my two keyless entry remote thingies stopped working.  I tried changing the battery, but it still wouldn’t work.  So, after looking at it for a prolonged period of time and willing it to open my car door, I came to the only logical […]

Flaps Not Just for Mud Anymore

Just when you thought everything that could be used for adverting had been, along comes FlapMedia, a company that sells advertising on truck mud flaps. Honestly, not a bad idea.  I mean, why not, right?  Question is, what will be the next flat service to be covered with advertising? via [Adfreak]

Better Polling

Interesting article in Wired magazine about the challenges pollsters face today and ideas on how to make the process better. Thanks to Bruce for the link.