Change is Good

Talk about a topic that lends itself to all kinds of cheesy post titles! The company behind those change machines, Coinstar, has partnered with Starbucks to begin converting change into Starbucks cards in lieu of cash. This is a very clever idea. While I am always someone who would take […]


Just discovered a great website called OneLook which is described as “a search engine for words and phrases.” Search for definitions, translations, patterns and even download a utility that allows searching from any web page using the right-click menu in Internet Explorer. Very cool and useful site.


Two great links today via Experience Economy Evangelist: The first is the cover story of the July 12 Business Week that profiles, in depth, the shift from mass market advertising and marketing to micromarketing and highly targeting campaigns. This is a must read! The second is an Atlanta Business Chronicle […]


In reading the July/August 2004 issue of Men’s Health magazine (page 74) this weekend, I came across a brief interview with Jim Koch, founder of Boston Beer Company and its famous Samuel Adams beer. The topic of the interview was business risk-taking and one of Mr. Koch’s six tips was […]

TV Technology Stats

New study reports on current in-home TV technology numbers: DVRs in 4% of homes (up 100% in 6 months) HDTV in 6% of homes (up 50% in 6 months) Dual DVD/VHS decks in 18% of homes TV tuners in PCs in 5% of homes I’m actually surprised HDTV is slightly […]

Four/Five Steps to Successful Growth

Jennifer at What’s Your Brand Mantra links to a CIO Insight column that offers four steps to successful corporate growth and she adds an important fifth step. Here is my summary of the five steps: Be clear on what your company’s purpose is, and on what it wants to accomplish […]

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What Could They Have Been Looking For?

This has nothing to do with anything important, but one of the referring links in this blog’s visitor stats this morning came from a search engine query on the words wife analyzer. I guess I’m proud to say that this post of mine holds the #1 spot, but what I’m […]

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Just Looking

I like the early looks of this new blog by Mark Askey. He bills it as a retail sales blog, but I think his points certainly translate to other aspects of sales, team management and the customer experience. Check it out. Just Looking

This Ad’s For You

Interesting New York Times article about television ads being aired contextually, based on programming and viewer conditions. For instance, The Weather Channel will offer the ability to run TV ads based on the viewer’s weather conditions such as, “sending commercials for rugged trucks to rainy parts of the country while […]

Never Hurts to Review the Basics

Nice article in The Business Journal reviewing many marketing basics. It’s 30,000′ stuff, but good to review from time to time just to be sure you’re not skipping over something elementary, but important.

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