Scandal’s Mellie Grant Gets Reality Check from Dial Testing Focus Group

Scandal dial testing focus group
(Image courtesy of ABC)

Most of the time, major broadcast networks put our Perception Analyzer dials to work behind the scenes to test new television pilots as well as characters, plot lines, etc. for established series. But every once in a while, our dials make the jump in front of the camera, making cameo appearances in true-to-life dial testing focus group scenes in political and news dramas like The West Wing and Newsroom.

Latest example was in this week’s episode (Season 5, Episode 15) of ABC’s hit political thriller Scandal. The dials were used in a focus group run by political consultant Olivia Pope on behalf of her client, Republican presidential candidate Mellie Grant. Unfortunately, for Mellie, the feedback from the focus group was a reality check, revealing a major issue with her public perception. Welcome to the real world Mellie.

In case you missed it, here’s a recap of the episode: