Dial testing makes another showing on the campaign trail. If you’ve been living under a rock for the last 24 hours, you may not know that last night’s debate was one for the record books. As has been tradition for years, CNN used dial testing during last night’s debate. They […]
Tag Archives: CNN

That’s a Wrap: Dial Testing Scores Final Presidential Debate in Groups Across the Country
The final chapter of the Presidential Debate season has come to a close and it was another busy night for our Perception Analyzer dials. Dial testing focus groups were conducted in key swing states across the country and were featured (again) on major broadcast/cable news networks such as CBS News and FOX News. Here […]

Dial Testing Provides Instant Analysis of the VP Debate
With barely enough time to catch our breath from the first Presidential debate, it was the Vice Presidential candidates taking center stage. Dial testing focus groups were at it again, powered by our Perception Analyzer and Slidermetrix technology, and providing real-time polling and instant results that the broadcast networks used extensively in […]

Commentary and Analysis from Dial Testing the First Presidential Debate
During last night’s Presidential Debate, focus groups of voters in key states across the country were asked to view and log their real-time reactions to the debate performances of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump using our Perception Analyzer dials. The majority of the time, dial testing like this is […]

Dial Testing Called Back into Duty to Deliver Real-Time Returns on the Presidential Debates
Next Monday night, when NBC Nightly News Anchor and Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt thanks the two candidates for their participation and brings to a close the first presidential debate, the early returns on the candidates’ performances will already be in; the key responses, zingers and messages will have already been […]

CNN Revs Up Dial Testing Focus Groups for Presidential Primaries
With the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries come and gone, the Presidential Primary season is really heating up. As it has for the past 8 years, CNN is running dial testing focus groups, powered by our Perception Analyzer dials and technology, to gauge the real time reactions and opinions of […]

CNN and Fox News Feature Perception Analyzer Dial Groups for Democratic Debate
If you’re wondering what that buzzing sound is that you’ve been hearing lately, well, it’s the national election cycle revving up. Last night kicked it up another notch with the first Democratic debate. CNN and Frank Luntz on Fox News once again featured the Perception Analyzer to “score” the debate and […]

The Lines Are At It Again: Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer Featured in Reporting of President’s State of the Union
You may have noticed those friendly lines (courtesy of The Perception Analyzer) showing up all over the place again last night and this morning as news networks and research groups studied, analyzed and reported the President’s State of the Union address. Yes, the Perception Analyzer was at it again with […]

Behind CNN’s Colored Lines: Q&A with SMU Public Opinion Researcher Dan Schill
This past October, we published a blog post on the work that Rita Kirk, Ph.D. and Dan Schill, Ph.D. have done using our Perception Analyzer dials in their role as political research consultants for CNN. The two Southern Methodist University (SMU) researchers are the brains behind CNN’s focus groups of undecided voters whose real-time reactions […]
Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer tool used by CNN researchers for 2012 Presidential Debates, Primaries, and Conventions
Continuing the trend from the 2008 presidential debates, annual State of the Union addresses, and the 2012 Democratic and Republican conventions, CNN once again turned to researchers Rita Kirk and Dan Schill from Southern Methodist University to gauge the real-time reactions of undecided voters. Using Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer dials, CNN’s […]