$5 Millon for 30 seconds of Super Bowl Airtime Advertisers are paying a record $5 million for a :30 spot this year, so you better believe they are coming to play. This is our 5th year of offering up pre-released ads for you to rate and weigh-in on. And new […]
Tag Archives: Focus Groups
Video: Eliminating Recall Bias and Group Think in Focus Group Settings
In research, the devil is in the detail. Should you say “recycled” or “upcycled?” “Domestic economy” or “US economy?” This is why your research group needs to be clear of false influencers: recall bias and group think. Dial testing is one of the market research industry’s most reliable methods for […]

TRUE GRIT – Report Highlights Three Key Factors in Market Research Study Design
Greenbook’s market research industry GRIT Report is the gold standard for understanding the state of the market research industry and what clients are looking for. In this recent report, I was struck by three of the most important factors in study design: Proven methodology Participant engagement Trust in the results These […]

Dialsmith’s Dan Welch Talks New Perception Analyzer 9.0 and 9.0 Media
Dialsmith made some news this week with the release of two new versions of our signature Perception Analyzer (PA) dial testing tool—PA 9.0 and PA 9.0 Media. So, you might well be thinking, “What are these upgrades about and how does it help me?” For answers, we went directly to […]

Dial Testing President Trump’s Address to Congress
A presidential address to a joint session of Congress is a notable event. A president’s first such address is even more notable. Add in the Trump factor, and the event can be considered historically significant. So, it’s no surprise that Dialsmith’s dial testing technology was called into action once again to […]

60 Minutes Taps Frank Luntz and Dial Testing to Gauge Mood of the Nation on Election Eve
On the eve of the presidential election, 60 Minutes ran a fascinating segment delving into the mood and sentiment of the nation in the last days before the election. The segment featured an interview with well-known pollster Frank Luntz and results from a dial testing focus group Luntz conducted using our Perception Analyzer dial […]

New Resource: Moment-to-Moment Research Playbook
In the two years since we published our “Essentials of Moment-to-Moment Research” eBook, we’ve seen more than 1,000 downloads of the resource and received dozens of positive reviews. While much of the eBook content is still relevant, after 2 years, we decided it was time for a refresh. The new version, launched this […]

Dial Testing Called Back into Duty to Deliver Real-Time Returns on the Presidential Debates
Next Monday night, when NBC Nightly News Anchor and Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt thanks the two candidates for their participation and brings to a close the first presidential debate, the early returns on the candidates’ performances will already be in; the key responses, zingers and messages will have already been […]

Have Dials, Will Travel… Q&A with Optimization Group’s Renee Cameron
Renee Cameron been conducting dial testing focus groups for more than two decades and as a founding partner and now Global Account Director of The Optimization Group, Renee continues to use dial testing on behalf of her advertising and market research clients. With so much real world dial testing experience […]

Five Questions with ‘Dialed In’ Affiliate i-view London
Our ‘Dialed In’ affiliate facility program is picking up speed, so if you’re looking for a top-notch venue to host your next Perception Analyzer focus group, we’ve got a network of facilities across the Americas and Europe ready and waiting. This installment of our “5 Questions with…” feature has […]