maslansky + partners’ President Lee Carter and Media & Technology Supervisor Lee Loflin discuss the innovative tools and process that powers their quick-turn polling research. In the last presidential election cycle, Lee Carter and her team at maslansky + partners made a paradigm shift, which enabled them to turn around […]
Tag Archives: Fox News

How maslansky + partners Leverages Slidermetrix for “Quick-Turn” Online Research (Part 1)
maslansky + partners’ President Lee Carter discusses how her research group was able to adapt and respond to the polling demands of today’s fast-paced, 24-hour news cycle. In the last presidential election cycle, Lee Carter and her team at maslansky + partners made a paradigm shift, which enabled them to […]

Dial Testing Provides Instant Analysis of the VP Debate
With barely enough time to catch our breath from the first Presidential debate, it was the Vice Presidential candidates taking center stage. Dial testing focus groups were at it again, powered by our Perception Analyzer and Slidermetrix technology, and providing real-time polling and instant results that the broadcast networks used extensively in […]

Dial Testing Called Back into Duty to Deliver Real-Time Returns on the Presidential Debates
Next Monday night, when NBC Nightly News Anchor and Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt thanks the two candidates for their participation and brings to a close the first presidential debate, the early returns on the candidates’ performances will already be in; the key responses, zingers and messages will have already been […]

Trump and Carson React to the Dials
As mentioned previously on our blog, dial testing focus groups are popping up all over the networks during the early stages of this election year. Lee Carter of Maslansky & Partners is a frequent guest on Fox News’ daily morning news/talk program Fox & Friends where she provides commentary on the […]

Luntz’s Dial Testing Focus Group Hits High Mark During GOP Debate
Image courtesy of Fox News In case you hadn’t heard, there was another GOP candidate debate last night and that means that Frank Luntz was at it again, running a dial testing focus group using our Perception Analyzer dials. But what was unique about last night’s group was its response […]

CNN and Fox News Feature Perception Analyzer Dial Groups for Democratic Debate
If you’re wondering what that buzzing sound is that you’ve been hearing lately, well, it’s the national election cycle revving up. Last night kicked it up another notch with the first Democratic debate. CNN and Frank Luntz on Fox News once again featured the Perception Analyzer to “score” the debate and […]

Luntz and the Perception Analyzer Dialed In for Next Big Political Season
Candidates, start your engines! Last night unofficially marked the kickoff to the next big national political season with the first televised presidential primary debate. As the case has been for the past decade, the Perception Analyzer dials were hard at work as Fox/CBS political polling guru Frank Luntz captured the in-the-moment voter […]

New Tech, Same Methods for 2015 State of the Union
It’s always energizing to see our dials back in action during high stakes political events like on the broadcast coverage of last night’s State of the Union. And while some of the networks have traded their in-person dial groups for new second screen polling tools, the method employed to score […]

The Lines Are At It Again: Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer Featured in Reporting of President’s State of the Union
You may have noticed those friendly lines (courtesy of The Perception Analyzer) showing up all over the place again last night and this morning as news networks and research groups studied, analyzed and reported the President’s State of the Union address. Yes, the Perception Analyzer was at it again with […]