Even when prompted in focus groups, respondents often have problems articulating what they really feel. There are several biological and behavioral triggers at play that often thwart people’s best attempts to be candid and accurate about what they feel or thought the felt. In some cases, it can be recall […]
Tag Archives: Media Research

Every major broadcast network has used dial testing to gather audience feedback on their television pilots. That’s a pretty positive endorsement of the value that dial testing brings to entertainment research. Here are some of the things that veteran media research expert Aaron Paquette had to say about dial testing: […]

The Super Bowl of Advertising starts NOW — #RateTheAds
$5 Millon for 30 seconds of Super Bowl Airtime Advertisers are paying a record $5 million for a :30 spot this year, so you better believe they are coming to play. This is our 5th year of offering up pre-released ads for you to rate and weigh-in on. And new […]

Straight Talk about Storytelling: Q&A with Media Research Veteran Aaron Paquette
In this next installment of our popular storytelling series, we talk with media and entertainment research veteran Aaron Paquette. Through his career at CBS, Sony, OTX, Nielsen and Vision Critical, Aaron has a great eye for how to tell a story that will get buyers’ and viewers’ attention. Q: How […]

The Skinny on Microsoft Video Pulse
Image courtesy of WinBeta. Lenny Murphy’s recent GreenBook article on Microsoft’s entry into the moment-to-moment data collection game, via their Video Pulse product, is a good read and I admit it’s cool technology. As Dialsmith’s founder and CEO, and someone who’s worked to evolve and refine moment-to-moment tools and methods for more […]

[From the Vision Critical Blog] How to find the story in your data
Some solid insights and guidance from Vision Critical’s Ray Poynter in this storytelling blog post where he provides useful tips for pulling good stories out of your market research data. One tip that really struck a chord… “Tip # 6 FACILITATE ACTION.” This one resonates with feedback we hear from our research consulting […]

Netflix’s Dave Decelle’s Quest to Capture Moments of Truth
(Hey, that’s our quest too!)
Just listened to this recent podcast from The Market Research Event Blog featuring Netflix’s Director of Consumer Insights Dave Decelle in which Decelle explains why his Consumer Insights team has foregone traditional recall-based research methods for those that are aimed at capturing “Moments of Truth.” Here at Dialsmith, we […]

Uncovering the DNA of an Effective Summer Movie Trailer
Since first reading this excellent Fast Company article that revealed storytelling tips from one of the world’s top movie trailer producers, we, here at Dialsmith, have been thinking about the make-up of a great movie trailer. What are the common traits that great trailers share? Is there a […]

Slidermetrix Presents… Holiday Commercial Faceoff: Funny vs. Feel-good
Last week, CinemaBlend, an entertainment site that reports on movies, television, video games, and pop culture, posted 7 Great Holiday Commercials You Need to Watch Right Now. We watched them. We loved them. We laughed. We cried. Well, I wasn’t crying (I think maybe I just got something in my […]

Is TV pilot testing ready for the masses?
The much anticipated debuts of the new Fall line-up of TV shows are airing within the next few weeks, which means it’s time to see if all that focus group testing holds true to form. It’s an exciting yet nerve wracking time of the year for media executives and researchers […]