This interview with Professor McIlwain was conducted in 2016 but the information is still relevant so it was worth a revisit in the lead up to this year’s presidential debates. Enjoy… Most of us within the research community are approaching next week’s first Presidential Debate with excitement and fascination. But […]
Tag Archives: Perception Analyzer

10 Ways Dial Testing Will Improve Your Research
For as long as dial testing has been a mainstay of media and public opinion research, its applications and benefits still remain a mystery to some. Whether to eliminate groupthink, quantitatively validate an idea, or drive deeper and more meaningful group discussions, dial testing plays a critical role in focus group and survey research. To help introduce (or re-introduce) you to dial testing methodology, here are 10 GOOD REASONS why it should be part of your research mix.

Dial Testing Helps Trial Research Consultant Overcome Assumptions and Deliver Hard Truths
I tell my clients that if you want the most return for your trial consulting investment, it’s pennywise but pound foolish to cut something so integral to getting good data. The data we get from the dial tests are the glue of the mock exercise. For more than 30 years, […]

What is Dial Testing?
Dialsmith has been in the dial testing game for a long time. We work with professional researchers, marketers, consultants and customer insights specialists. As the developer of the Perception Analyzer dial testing tools and services for focus groups and surveys, we support global clients with in-person and online research every […]

Behind-the-Scenes Tips for Better Focus Groups
Moderating to Maximize Insights and Mitigate Common Pitfalls. Pulling off an effective focus group that gets you the type of insights you’re looking for, is hard work. You have to know the tricks of the trade to really garner insights that are deep and valuable. And you can’t have a […]

The Tech Behind Political Message Testing
Certainly, any successful political campaign starts with having a strong candidate. But, to be successful in today’s political climate, campaigns also need to be nimble with their message, and keep pace with the shifting moods of voters and the 24-hour news cycle. For this, campaigns need a crack research team […]

Talking Audience Polling and Dial Testing with Realscreen West Content Director Barry Walsh
Most market researchers associate dial testing with focus groups, numbering typically 8-25 participants. However, Dialsmith has executed audience polling to much larger audiences. We have put dials in the hands of hundreds of attendees at large conference venues such as TED and the Banff Media Festival. Just recently, the […]

Dialsmith’s Dan Welch Talks New Perception Analyzer 9.0 and 9.0 Media
Dialsmith made some news this week with the release of two new versions of our signature Perception Analyzer (PA) dial testing tool—PA 9.0 and PA 9.0 Media. So, you might well be thinking, “What are these upgrades about and how does it help me?” For answers, we went directly to […]

That’s a Wrap: Dial Testing Scores Final Presidential Debate in Groups Across the Country
The final chapter of the Presidential Debate season has come to a close and it was another busy night for our Perception Analyzer dials. Dial testing focus groups were conducted in key swing states across the country and were featured (again) on major broadcast/cable news networks such as CBS News and FOX News. Here […]