This interview with Professor McIlwain was conducted in 2016 but the information is still relevant so it was worth a revisit in the lead up to this year’s presidential debates. Enjoy… Most of us within the research community are approaching next week’s first Presidential Debate with excitement and fascination. But […]
Tag Archives: Political Research

5 Best Practices for Honing Political Messaging
It’s essential to test your message (in all its iterations) outside the echo chamber of your campaign team. They aren’t your audience. They already (probably) agree with you, and they (obviously) support you, and they (likely) could be inclined to tell you what they think you want to hear. […]

Why Testing Your Message Outside the Beltway is Crucial
If you are based in the Washington, DC, metro area, whether you’re a corporation, a trade association, a Think Tank, or a politician, here’s some wise advice… Test your message outside the Beltway. That’s what we’ve been telling our clients for nearly two decades. And even though they know […]

Dial Testing’s Legacy with the State of the Union Address
For twelve years running, Dialsmith has been conducting dial testing research on the president’s State of the Union Address, and this year is no exception. Why has dial testing become so ingrained in scoring the State of the Union?

Swing Voter Project: A Tale of Two Convention Speeches
Dialsmith is working in partnership with Engagious and the Schlesinger to conduct a series of monthly swing voter focus groups in key battleground districts across the Upper Midwest and Florida. In our most recent focus groups, conducted virtually with swing voters from Wisconsin, we asked our participants to dial test […]

Four Dial Testing Takeaways from Florida Swing Voters
Dialsmith is the technology partner and dial testing services provider for the Swing Voter Project—an ongoing, national study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. The project features monthly focus groups set in key battleground districts across the Midwest and Florida. The first group was conducted in March 2019 […]

Top Five Dial Testing Takeaways from Pennsylvania Swing Voters
Dialsmith is the technology partner and dial testing services provider for the Swing Voter Project—an ongoing, national study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. The project features monthly focus groups set in key battleground districts across the Midwest and Florida. The first group was conducted this past […]
Top Five Dial Testing Takeaways from Saginaw, Michigan Swing Voters
Dialsmith is the technology partner and dial testing services provider for the Swing Voter Project—an ongoing, national study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. The project features monthly focus groups set in key battleground districts across the Midwest and Florida. The first group was conducted this past March […]

Top Five Dial Testing Takeaways from Minnesota Swing Voters
Dialsmith is the technology partner and provider of the dial testing services for a closely followed, monthly Swing Voter Insights study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. These swing voter focus groups, which started this past March, are held every month up through Election 2020 in key swing […]