In this next installment of our popular storytelling series, we talk with media and entertainment research veteran Aaron Paquette. Through his career at CBS, Sony, OTX, Nielsen and Vision Critical, Aaron has a great eye for how to tell a story that will get buyers’ and viewers’ attention. Q: How […]
Tag Archives: Storytelling

What’s the Story with Market Research?
Q&A with Author and Leading Business Storytelling Expert Paul Smith
I think one of the most critical roles market researchers can play in the story development process is identifying the right stories to tell. There’s been an interesting convergence going on between the art of storytelling and the science of market research. And for those who’ve been following our blog, […]

Confessions of a Serial Storyteller – The Sequel
Though she’d never admit it, growth strategist and business consultant Kristin Luck is a rock star in the market research world. Her jam, besides helping propel companies to exponential growth, is engaging audiences through storytelling. She’s leveraged her storytelling acumen into successes as a highly regarded thought leader, keynote speaker […]

[From the Vision Critical Blog] How to find the story in your data
Some solid insights and guidance from Vision Critical’s Ray Poynter in this storytelling blog post where he provides useful tips for pulling good stories out of your market research data. One tip that really struck a chord… “Tip # 6 FACILITATE ACTION.” This one resonates with feedback we hear from our research consulting […]

10 Memorable Storytelling Quotes for Market Researchers
Through the many interviews and research we’ve conducted on the topic of storytelling for our blog, we’ve gathered some great nuggets of insight from well-respected market research pros and expert storytellers. Since our mission here at Dialsmith is to help brands and organizations tell their impactful stories, we thought our […]

Creating Customer Connections Thru Visual Storytelling
(Image courtesy of the BufferSocial blog) If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve noticed that we’ve been covering different angles on the topic of storytelling recently, including wrapping this interesting Q&A with Market Strategy’s Derrak Richard on data visualization and storytelling. On the heels of that post, we came across this interesting Buffer blog […]

Storytelling and Data Visualization: Q&A with Market Strategies’ Senior Information Designer Derrak Richard
We’ve been covering different angles of the interesting relationship between storytelling and market research on the DIAL.LOG blog and here’s another one—visual storytelling. Market Strategies’ Derrak Richard, an expert in making data pop, recently authored a blog post offering up insights and tips on the creation and use of infographics for […]

Russ Rubin Q&A: Storytelling’s Role in Market Research
We recently came across this great post on why storytelling is critical to making research impactful and engaging by market research industry veteran Russ Rubin of Cambiar Consulting. Russ’ take on storytelling is on the mark and resonates with the feedback we hear from our research clients—many of which use […]