3 Must-Haves for Online TV & Film Testing For decades, in-person dial testing has been a media researcher’s mainstay for evaluating movies, trailers, television programming and on-air talent. But, with the recent pivot to online research, do researchers have to ditch their go-to methods? Spring is the season of decisions: […]
Tag Archives: TV Pilot Testing

Every major broadcast network has used dial testing to gather audience feedback on their television pilots. That’s a pretty positive endorsement of the value that dial testing brings to entertainment research. Here are some of the things that veteran media research expert Aaron Paquette had to say about dial testing: […]

The Data Behind Hit TV Shows: Q&A with Dr. Sebastian Wernicke
We recently came across this fascinating TED Talk from Dr. Sebastian Wernicke, Head of Data Science at Munich, Germany based consultancy Solon, called “How to use data to make a hit TV show.” Dr. Wernicke, who’s schooled in bioinformatics, discusses the differences in how Netflix and Amazon used data to make decisions when […]

For fall network pilots, success is measured in minutes
Image courtesy of Pop Culture Playpen Fifteen minutes can go by in a flash or it can feel like a lifetime. When it comes to TV pilots and the networks rolling them out, the first 15 minutes are ALL that matter. That according to this AdWeek article: “People figure out in […]

Is TV pilot testing ready for the masses?
The much anticipated debuts of the new Fall line-up of TV shows are airing within the next few weeks, which means it’s time to see if all that focus group testing holds true to form. It’s an exciting yet nerve wracking time of the year for media executives and researchers […]